No One Stands Alone

No One Stands Alone

September 14, 2018
River e-news

No One Stands Alone

No One Stands Alone

September 14, 2018
River e-news

Heidi and I love our community group. They are fun, caring, supportive of each other, authentic, funny, insightful, wise, and growing in Christ. I look forward to our time together because I know that God has something special in store for all of us each time we meet. Together we’ve carried each others’ burdens, prayed for one another, and celebrated victories. Three babies have been born in our group since we started. Jobs have changed. People have changed homes. And through all of these changes none of us has been alone, but part of a small community. Through almost all of Heidi’s and my marriage, we’ve been part of a small group of some kind or other. Small groups have helped us grow as Christ-followers. Some relationships have even stuck with us years after the group ended. I can’t imagine life without a small group. For years I’ve said, ”Small groups are a way of life for all your life.” It’s a value we hold. Interestingly, each of our children, now married, got connected in a group just before or right after they got married. Perhaps they saw the value lived out in our lives and in church and it became a non-negotiable for them as well. Those relationships have been a lifeline for some of them at various points in their lives. How about you? Have you gotten connected in a group yet? On Sunday, September 16, I’m going to be talking about how no one stands alone. We were created for community by a God who has modeled it in His very essence, the community among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus lived in community with the disciples. Community is more than just gathering on Sunday morning. Community is knowing and being known. If you aren’t connected yet, would you set aside time on Saturday, October 6 from 4:00pm-5:30pm for a GroupLink event here at The River Church? This is an all-new opportunity we are providing to get people connected so they can try a community group. If you’re open to hosting or facilitating a community group, would you contact our Connections Pastor, Todd Porter, for more information on either of those opportunities? His email is I’ll be at the door to welcome you on Saturday, October 6 for the GroupLink event. I look forward to seeing you there!